Saturday, June 28, 2008


Doug, Bethany, Joanna were at Christian Youth In Action Training for two weeks. Doug and Bethany were staff, Joanna a student. I was there the first week, then went to SMA the second week. Here, Doug and I are teaching Bible Lesson Preparation and Presentation, helping the students to know and understand the process of preparing the Bible Lesson.

Kathy Gleckler and Lucy Wanjohi - from Kenya, East Africa. Kathy has been a CEF missionary there for almost 30 years and directs the education for CEF of East and Central Africa. She is the featured missionary in the 5-Day Clubs this summer. The students raised over $1200 to buy her a new laptop. The monies the children bring during 5-Day Club will go to help Kathy get another car. Lucy is the director of Education for CEF of Kenya. She was able to come and observe our CYIA program, then perhaps implement some of the things we do into the CYIA program in Kenya and surrounding countries.

Joanna celebrated her 17th birthday while at CYIA. She had 42 other students to help her celebrate. I think we made the day enjoyable for her. On Open air that day, the Lord used her to bring 2 children to Himself.

The picture below is of 1/2 of the students taking a test that covered the information they learned in Wordless Book class, Counseling a Child for Salvation, and Bible Lesson class. If they knew there verses they needed to memorize, they did well on the test.
The most important part of CYIA is the study groups. Staff are assigned a group of 3-4 students to work with them, evaluate their lessons, and encourage them throughout the two weeks. Below are several pictures of CYIA study groups.

Students are working on outlining their Bible Lesson for the day. Then they practice outloud telling the story. In one day, they see the lesson demonstrated, outline the story from Scripture and the script, practice, and tell the lesson for evaluation.

At SMA, the students learn to the Wordless Book, how to teach songs, memory verses, and the missionary story in a 5-Day Club. They also are taught how to counsel a child for salvation. In one week, there are 9 evaluations that need to be done.

This is the hallway in the Academic building when all of our classes were held.

The SMA office was in the same hallway.

The students had many classes - several times they were in classes together, but most classes were in smaller classes, then in smaller study groups where they practiced their missionary story, songs, verses, and wordless book.

Thanks for praying for us while we were at training.

Monday, June 23, 2008

At training

It has been awhile since I updated this, so here we go.

This is the second week of CYIA training. Doug, Bethany, Joanna, and I were all there the first week. I am now at SMA; Doug, Bethany, and Joanna are at CYIA. Bethany is student staff and is working with three students this week. Doug has a study group of four young men - two teams teaching 5-Day Clubs this week. Joanna has been paired with a young lady that has really struggled at CYIA. Joanna will have to carry most of the weight of the club.

There are 43 students at CYIA and 40 at SMA.

Philip has been home sick - unable to go to work.

We have four more days of training than we will be heading home. It will nice to be together as a family again.