Sunday, April 26, 2009

Two big events are taking place in our family in a few months. Joanna graduates from high school on May 16. On June 23, Doug and I will celebrate our 25 wedding anniversary. An open house is scheduled to celebrate each event. Joanna's open house is Saturday, May 23, 2009 3:00 - 7:00 pm at our house. Our anniversary open house is Saturday, June 13, 2009 2:00 - 5:00 pm at Faith Bible Church in Lansing.

I hope to have our family pictures for each year up soon.

This was taken when Joanna 5 years old - 1996

Our history:
We met in May of 1981 at Youth Haven Ranch
Began dating Aug. 1981
Jan. 1982 - Doug left Youth Haven Ranch to attend the Children's Ministries Institute for CEF
Engaged January of 1983
Doug started an internship for CEF in Detroit - July 1983
Married June 23, 1984 - Living in Detroit
July 2, 1986 - Philip Douglas was born
Sept. 4, 1988 Anna Marie and Bethany Jayne were born
June 20, 1991 - Joanna Ruth was born
1992 - Doug became the director of Metro Child Evangelism Fellowship
Nov. 1994 - moved from southwest Detroit to the east side
April 2000 - moved to Tustin to care for Mom and Dad Hammar
May 1, 2000 - Doug became the first full time director for CEF of Central Michigan
Sept. 11, 2001 - Dad Hammar entered Lakeview Manor in Cadillac, MI
July, 2002 - Doug became the Director of Administration for CEF of Michigan
Aug. 20, 2003 - Mom Hammar passed away
Nov. 28, 2003 - Dad Hammar passed away
Jan. 2004 - Doug was asked to pray about moving to Lansing
Feb. 2004 - put our home that we inherited from Mom and Dad Hammar up for sale
May, 2004 - Philip graduated from High School
Dec. 23, 2004 closed on our house in Tustin
January 3, 2005 Put an offer on a house in Lansing.
January 22, 2005 - Moved to Lansing during a snow storm
Feb. 2005 - Maryann began working part-time with Capital Area CEF as the Teacher Training Coordinator
Feb. 2005 - Bethany, Joanna, and Maryann started with Homeschool Music Association
Sept. 2005 - Maryann became the director of the Cadet Band for HSMA.
June 2006 - Bethany graduated from High School
May 2009 - Philip received his Associates Degree in Computer-Aided drafting and design.
May 2009 - Joanna graduated from High School.
June 23 - our 25th Wedding anniversary

God has blessed us in so many ways. He has led us every step of the way and has always provided everything we need. He truly is an amazing God!!!