Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fall Happenings

5-Day Clubs are over, fall ministries are beginning. Here is a short synopsis of a typical Hammar family week.

Philip works Monday - Friday (some Saturdays) 8:00 - 4:30 or so, then class four nights a week.
Bethany has school Monday and Wednesday mornings, then work from 12:00 (or 1:30 on M & W) till 6:00. Monday nights she plays with the HOmeschool Music Association Senior Orchestra as an adult participant, Tuesdays is handbell choir at church, Wednesday - is church, Thursday is her violin lesson after work.

Joanna is doing her school work each day. Monday night is HSMA where she plays clarinet in the Symphonic Band, Wednesday night is church. She hopes to be working somewhere very soon. She is diligently filling out applications and calling on her applications.

Doug is at the CEF of Michigan office Monday - Friday 9:00 - 4:00. Wednesday night is church, Thursday night is TCE 1 and sometimes Deacons meetings.

Maryann works at the Capital ARea CEF office on MOndays and Fridays. Monday afternoons in the weekly Teacher Training Class. Monday night I direct the Cadet Band for HSMA. Tuesday morning I give music lessons. In the afternoon will be Good News Club at the Grand River School. Wednesday is a stay at home day, except for when I go teach chapel at Livingston Christian School (once a month) and teach CEF class for their Jr. and Sr. high students (once a month). Thursday is more music lessons, then GNC at Sheridan Rd School, and TCE 2 starting in Oct.

We are all very busy. It is a challenge at times to arrange transportation for everyone to be where they need to be, when they need to be there. We would appreciate your prayers for us.

Marcus Dibble, a young man who has been staying with us, works at the Meijer warehouse here in Lansing usually Monday - Saturday 10:30 am to whenever. Sometimes it is 12:00 midnight when he gets home. He will soon be moving to another place where he has more freedom to come and go as he places and have room to keep out all of his stuff.

Pray for Joanna to get a job that works well with her schedule.

Pray for CEF as we work to reach the children with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thank you.

1 comment:

Cadman said...

hey, mom
i got a blog too.
the url is....(funny)