Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Time seems to go by so quickly and many things happen that I just forget to write on this blog. Here is what has happened since I wrote last. The biggest thing is that Philip is not working at Attac Race Cars any more. They told him he has a great work ethic and does a good job on his drawings when he can take several days to to them, but they want him to be able to do the drawings in hours, not days. They thought he had more experience and training than what he actually does. Even though he is taking the last class for his associates degree, three of the drafting classes required for this kept getting canceled, so LCC finally waived the classes. He got the credit for them but not the training and these were the classes that would have helped him in this particular job. They did leave the door open for him to come back to the company. While he worked there he learned many things about deadlines, proficiency, and teamwork. He is waiting on the results of his drug test to be re-hired at Auto Value just a mile from our house. God has a plan. Please pray that Philip would seek God's face for what he needs to do next.

Bethany continues to work at the Daycare, not quite full-time but more hours than before. She has only one class that meets 2 times a week this semester. Church activities, work, violin practice, and HSMA keep her busy.

Joanna is doing very well in her school work this semester. She is working to improve her English skills so that she can take a class at LCC next semester.

I am kept busy with my responsibilities at CEF, church, HSMA, and with my music students. On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, I teach Good News Clubs - at Grand River School and at Sheridan Rd. School. These clubs are great fun to teach this year. The kids are awesome. Last week was the story of Naboth's Vineyard. When I made the connection between Naboth's innocence yet was killed, to Jesus' innocence, yet he was killed because we were quilty, one girl exclaimed, "I don't want to be guilty". I explained to her that if you know Jesus as your Savior, God sees Jesus in you and declares you NOT GUILTY! Many of the children in club said, "That is AWESOME!" Yes, indeed it is.

Doug is busy with his responsibilites at the State Office and church. He helps me in the GNC at Sheridan Rd. on Thursdays. Right now he is working on building shelves for Joanna and a shelf for a TV.

There are no pictures to post again this time, but hopefully next time, I will have some of clubs.

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